Tyler Texas Attorney

While the spring and summer months in East Texas can bring sunshine, blue skies, and good times, they can also bring sudden storms, powerful tornadoes, and devastating hail. Homeowners in Tyler, Texas, are all too familiar with the damage that severe weather can bring; and so are their insurance carriers. If your home has sustained storm damage, and your insurance provider fails to deliver on the promises listed in their policies, you can seek out a Tyler, Texas, storm insurance claims and bad faith insurance attorney to help you get what you deserve.

Preparing for the storm
The old saying, “an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure” is definitely true when it comes to dealing with storm damage. The steps needed to prepare your home and reduce the potential for storm damage can also be much more cost-effective than waiting for the storm to pass. The effort involved in fixing a leaky roof, repairing or replacing old shingles, and moving any potential wind-blown projectiles often pales in comparison to the costs that occur when a major storm makes these matters much worse. Protecting your property is much easier than searching for lawyers for insurance claims.

After the storm
If your home has sustained storm damage, the most effective steps you can take involve documenting the damage. Use your smartphone to take photos and videos of the extent of the damage, including a date stamp on each file, to show when and how the damage occurred. If you run into problems with your insurance provider, an experienced storm insurance attorney in Tyler, Texas, can use this documentation to establish your case.

Dealing with an insurance adjuster
When you file your claim, an adjuster from your insurance provider will visit you and assess the amount of damage. The adjuster can also examine whether or not the damage your house sustained would be covered under your policy. The adjuster then reports their findings back to the insurance carrier. You must remember that the adjuster works for the insurance provider, not for you, the policy holder. If you believe that the insurance adjuster’s report resulted in a wrongful denial or underpayment of your insurance claim, you should contact a veteran storm insurance claims attorney in Tyler, Texas, for help.

When your claim is denied
With the high number of storms that occur throughout the state, as well as the amount of damage that these storms can produce, homeowners insurance rates in Texas are among the highest in the nation. Insurance providers may find ways of denying or underpaying legitimate claims in an attempt to protect their profits. A storm damage insurance claim lawyer in Tyler, Texas, can work with you to find out if your insurance carrier acted unfairly in denying or underpaying your claim. If you think your insurance is guilty of bad faith insurance practices or that your insurance adjuster did not consider the true damages, call an insurance attorney.

Contact The Flowers Law Firm
Insurance companies employ numerous attorneys to protect their interests. An insurance claims attorney can help you protect your rights and navigate you through the process of appealing your insurance claim, understanding insurance appraisal, or even filing a bad faith lawsuit against these multi-billion-dollar corporations. The Flowers Law Firm is one of only a few East Texas storm insurance claims attorneys with an office in Tyler, Texas, with extensive experience in helping homeowners fight for their well-deserved compensation. Call or email the bad faith insurance claim lawyer at The Flowers Law Firm.