Tyler Texas Attorney

Thousands of patients across East Texas rely on pharmaceutical products to treat a wide range of illnesses. Doctors prescribe these medications with the intent of seeing their patients improve their health. However, some of these medications may come with serious side effects that are not discovered until years after they reach the market. These side effects can have devastating consequences for patients who rely on these drugs.

For over a decade, The Flowers Law Firm has served East Texas as one of the leading attorneys for dangerous drug lawsuits. We have helped victims and their families get the legal advice they need from a prominent Tyler pharmaceutical liability attorney. Our attorney and staff will work hard to help these victims get the justice they deserve from the manufacturers of defective pharmaceutical products.

Examples of Dangerous Drugs

In recent years, several dangerous drugs have been revealed to have deadly side effects. Some of these drugs include:

  • Pradaxa, a blood thinner with side effects that included internal bleeding
  • Paxil, Zoloft, and Lexapro: anti-depressants linked to birth defects
  • Yaz/Yasmin: an oral contraceptive linked to blood clots and strokes
  • Granuflo: a dialysis product tied to heart problems

The Flowers Law Firm knows that victims and their families need an experienced dangerous drugs lawyer in East Texas. We are ready to work with patients on their East Texas dangerous drugs lawsuits. We strive to serve our clients and to get them the compensation they deserve for their injuries.

Costs of Dangerous Drugs

When patients encounter drugs with dangerous side effects, they can also run into substantial financial issues. Some of these costs that these patients and their families will encounter can include:

  • Physician’s office visits
  • Surgical procedures
  • Hospital stays
  • Additional prescription medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Mental health counseling
  • Assistive devices
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Future medical expenses
  • and much more

The Flowers Law Firm can help you with your dangerous drugs lawsuit. We endeavor to get our clients the compensation they need in their East Texas dangerous drugs lawsuit.

How an East Texas Dangerous Drugs Lawyer Can Help

The pharmaceutical industry makes billions of dollars each year. A portion of those billions goes to paying teams of attorneys to defend the companies from dangerous drug lawsuits.

At The Flowers Law Firm, we believe that East Texas residents deserve the same commitment on their side. Since we work on a contingency basis, we do not charge a fee unless we win money for our clients.

Call an East Texas Dangerous Drugs Attorney Today

If you or someone you know has been injured due to a dangerous drug, you may consider filing a Texas dangerous drug lawsuit. The medical malpractice attorney at The Flowers Law Firm, P.C. stands ready to help. You can receive a free, no-obligation consultation from our lawyer who specializes in dangerous drug lawsuits by calling us at  (903) 965-2000, or email us at info@flowers-law.com.