Tyler Texas Attorney

All attorneys carry the responsibility of rendering the most capable representation they can for their clients. Some cases, however, require more resources, experience, or access than a single attorney or firm can provide. When this occurs, attorneys seek out co-counseling relationships with other firms. At the Flowers Law Firm, we work with Dallas attorneys, Tyler lawyers, and legal professionals all over East Texas to fill in those gaps and ensure that the client receives the top-notch services they deserve.

Let an Experienced East Texas Law Firm Help With Trial Preparation

One of the most vital factors in the success of any case lies in the preparation. Trial preparation can be the most time-consuming, labor-intensive, and financially draining portion of any aspect of the legal profession. Attorneys who lack experience in trial preparation can cost themselves and their clients hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. The Flowers Law Firm provides advice on all aspects of trial preparation and offers co-counsel agreements with Houston attorneys, Dallas attorneys and attorneys from all over Texas to help them prepare an adequate case for their clients.

Build a Connection With an East Texas Attorney

While many Dallas attorneys are capable of serving their clients within their own jurisdictions, these professionals may not be as familiar with how the legal processes work in East Texas. Attorneys from out of state may call on an East Texas law firm to familiarize themselves with state laws and procedures. Dallas lawyers, Houston lawyers, or those from other parts of the state may need help with understanding how local judges oversee their specific courtrooms. The Flowers Law Firm has established itself as a great resource among East Texas law firms, with a reputation for efficiency and smooth communications with state and local court officials.

Find New Practice Areas Through an East Texas Lawyer

Attorneys who specialize in a particular area may encounter prospective clients seeking help in an area beyond the attorney’s expertise. When this occurs, rather than lose out on the client’s business, the attorney will find another firm that specializes in that area. The Flowers Law Firm works in a wide range of areas, from personal injury to immigration to insurance claims. We work with referring Dallas attorneys and Houston attorneys to provide their clients valuable representation in these and other legal fields.

Earn Referral Fees Working With an East Texas Co-Counsel

Another valuable aspect of a co-counsel relationship is that it allows the referring attorney to retain a portion of the legal fees the case generates, without the drain on their resources needed if they worked the case alone. The Flowers Law Firm has created agreements that allow a referring Dallas attorney to stay involved in the case to whatever extent they feel necessary, while also offering generous referral fees for new cases.

Learn More About an East Texas Co-Counsel Attorney Relationship

To find out how we can start a co-counsel relationship with a Dallas attorney or Tyler law firm, contact the Flowers Law Firm today at 903-965-2000. Our friendly staff will ask a few questions about your case and connect you to our experienced East Texas attorney.