Tyler Texas Attorney

Long-time Marshall residents know that the spring and summer months can bring more than sunshine and good time. This time of year can also see some of the most severe weather systems that pass through East Texas each year. When these storms strike, they can leave your home with serious damage from wind, water, hail, and even lightning.

Most homeowners rely on their insurance carriers to come through with the funds they need to cover these extensive repairs. However, some insurers may find ways to underpay or deny legitimate claims. When this happens, a homeowners insurance claims attorney in Marshall can help you recover the funds you need to get your life back on track.

Here are four ways an insurance claims lawyer in Marshall can help you with your insurance claims case:

Understanding Your Rights
You need to remember that the insurance carrier, the claims adjuster, and their attorneys, are out to protect the company’s bottom line, not your rights as a policy holder. They may not always tell you everything you need to make sure that you receive the full amount of your rightful claim. An insurance claims attorney in Marshall can show you if your rights have been violated, and how to pursue justice against those who denied or underpaid your claim.

Knowing the Law
Most insurance policies are not written in clear, everyday language. Even some attorneys have difficulty deciphering the language used in these documents. An experienced homeowners insurance claims lawyer in Marshall can examine your policy, see how your claims match up to the policy’s requirements, and file a lawsuit to make sure you get what the insurance company owes you.

Establishing “Bad Faith”
Under the law, individuals and companies are expected to follow the requirements of a signed contract. When a company refuses to comply with the terms of a signed agreement, the company can be faced with allegations of acting in “bad faith.” In recent years, several insurance carriers have been faced with “bad faith” lawsuits over their actions regarding customers’ policies. If you believe that your insurer has ignored the terms of their own policies, a bad faith insurance lawyer in Marshall can work with you.

Fighting the Insurance Carrier’s Attorneys
Insurance carriers employ a small army of attorneys, paralegals, and researchers. Some companies would rather spend millions of dollars in keeping these powerful and experienced lawyers on retainer, than pay out claims to their policy holders. When you talk with a lawyer for insurance claims in Marshall, you can count on expert advice from someone who has faced down these powerful attorneys – and won!

Contact The Flowers Law Firm
The Flowers Law Firm serves as one of the leading homeowners insurance claims lawyer in Marshall. Our clients have received substantial compensation from insurance carriers from their cases, either as jury verdicts or as out-of-court settlements. Our experienced staff stands ready to help you with your homeowners insurance claims lawsuit. Call or email The Flowers Law Firm today to learn more!