Tyler Texas Attorney

As a Tyler family lawyer, sometimes we are approached with unbelievably complex and heartbreaking circumstances. A recent client of ours presented us with an urgent situation. When our client came to us, he had been taken advantage of by a grandparent seeking to deprive him of custody of his daughter. The child’s mother was no longer capable of providing for the child. Our client stepped up and worked hard to care for his daughter. However, the child’s maternal grandmother hired a lawyer, filed emergency motions, and tried to take away custody and rights from the child’s father. In his time of need, the father turned to the Flowers Law Firm for help.

Once our client came to us, the family law attorneys at the Flowers Law Firm immediately stepped in to put a stop to what had already happened. After thorough research, the Flowers Law Firm arrived at the conclusion that the grandmother had no rights to deprive our client of his child, and that she had actually submitted filings to the Court that were filled with lies.

After several hearings, a mediation occurred. At the end of the day, we stood up against the grandmother and protected the father’s rights by reaching an agreement that guaranteed our client sole custody of his daughter, while providing the grandmother with reasonable access to the child. In the end, this outcome was not only in the best interest of our client, but in the best interest of the child as well.